Financial Planning for the Loss of a Spouse
Losing a spouse is one of the most traumatic experiences any of us will ever endure. Your life partner is gone and the transition from being part of a couple to a single person can be difficult, confusing and frustrating.
Urist Financial and Retirement Planning has the experience to help you manage this financial transition with both specialization and compassion. Urist Financial and Retirement Planning will help you work through all the decisions that need to be made and will assist you in planning for your future by answering your most immediate questions:
- How will I take care of my family without my partner?
- How do I pay my bills?
- Do I need to get a job?
- What do I do with my spouse’s retirement plans?
- Is it smart to combine IRA accounts?
- Am I entitled to part of my spouse’s pension?
- What happens with Social Security?
- Now what do I do for health insurance?
- Are there any life insurance benefits that I don’t know about?
While we cannot alleviate your grief, Urist Financial and Retirement Planning can provide the guidance, planning and investment management to help you work towards financial independence.
The loss of a spouse is often a tumultuous time. Urist Financial and Retirement Planning can reduce the stress and uncertainty around the financial planning required after the death of a spouse by helping you:
- Take control of the process
- Gain a clear understanding of your current and future financial picture
- Assist in a faster resolution of all financial matters including the distribution of insurance policies, employee benefits, social security benefits and veteran’s benefits
- Minimize taxes
- Maximize assets
Financial planning is an essential resource before and after the loss of a spouse. Standards of living are often changed, not only for spouses but for the children as well. Urist Financial and Retirement Planning will show you the current and future impact of spousal loss on living standards, cash flow and future life style changes.
Urist Financial and Retirement Planning is your advocate and has the experience to answer your questions and assist you through all stages with the following services:
Before Your Loss
- Consolidate and Value Assets
- Analyze Liabilities
- Review Wills, Living Trusts and Health Care Proxys
- Review Life and Disability Insurance Policies
- Ensure That All Accounts and Insurance Instruments Have Proper Successor Information
- Estimate College and Educational Costs
- Project Retirement Needs
- Analyze Insurance Needs
After Your Loss
- Discuss Your personal Benefits Plans (Insurance, Social Security, Employment and Veteran’s)
- Transfer Retirement Plans and Investment Accounts
- Establish and Understand Cash Flow Needs, Expenses and Budgeting
- Establish a Plan to Minimize Taxes
- Manage Investments
- Monitor Results
- Update Financial and/or Investment Plans
- Review Estate Planning Documents
While no one wants to plan for the loss of their spouse, it is an extremely important part of financial planning. Each situation is unique and requires the knowledge and experience to help assist you in avoiding mistakes which can cost unnecessary taxes and penalties. Urist Financial and Retirement Planning has assisted clients with these issues over many years and can provide assistance so that your situation can be handled correctly and efficiently.
Urist Financial and Retirement Planning will provide you with practical, independent, personalized and easy-to-understand information about your situation. We have the experience to answer your questions and assist you through all stages of your planning process.
If you would like to confidentially discuss your situation to determine if we can help, please call our office or click here to schedule a no-fee, no obligation appointment.