Markets are always forward looking, and in LPL Research’s Midyear Outlook 2021 Picking Up Speed, we help you keep your eyes on the road ahead.

Client Letter
Client Letter | Midyear Outlook 2021 Picking Up Speed | July 8, 2021
Markets are always forward looking, and in LPL Research’s Midyear Outlook 2021 Picking Up Speed, we help you keep your eyes on the road ahead.
Client Letter | Gearing Up for Summer | June 3, 2021
The next several months may historically be the most volatile of the year, but the U.S. economy continues to recover remarkably quickly with many positives.
Client Letter | Out of the Shadows | May 6, 2021
Progress against the virus combined with historic stimulus measures have helped the U.S. economy storm back from pandemic lockdown-driven lows.
Client Letter | Spring Into A Positive Outlook | April 1, 2021
Developments in the economy and the fight against the virus are likely to provide the ingredients for a positive outlook through the remainder of the year.
Client Letter | The Return of Normal is Approaching | March 4, 2021
The US economy may soon recover its lost output from 2020 and the backdrop for stocks remains favorable.
Client Letter | Stay The Course | February 4, 2021
The US economy continues to make steady progress in its recovery despite any short-term volatility.
Client Letter | 2021 Brings a Fresh Start | January 7, 2021
The US economy has made tremendous progress in its recovery and is poised to continue growing despite ongoing impacts from COVID-19.
Client Letter | Outlook for 2021 | December 3, 2020
Looking forward to a new year with insights on 2021 stocks and bonds, the economy, and a post-election policy environment.
Client Letter | Election Clarity for the Markets | November 9, 2020
What we can expect in the markets and economy under a Biden administration and split Congress.