Having the correct amount of coverage is essential. Make sure you buy enough life insurance to fund the needs of your survivors. Many people do not buy enough coverage which can cause a loved one to change their lifestyle after losing the insured. What to do: ...
The Rules of Responsible Financial Parenting
Today, many families are concerned about the potentially adverse effect of wealth on the financial values of their younger generations. The goals that many affluent parents and grandparents have set for their children or grandchildren reflect core values, an honest...
Budgeting Is Not Rocket Science
It does not matter whether you are just starting out in your first job or have been in the work place a while, the only way to save money is not to spend all your income. Let me say that again, the only way to save money is not to spend all your income. Pretty...
Eight Financial Items to Address after the Death of a Spouse
Dealing with the death of a loved one can be very stressful and emotionally draining. Unfortunately, there are a number of financial matters that need to be addressed after their death. Here are some of the more important items to consider: Death Certificates –...
Financial Scams and the Elderly
3 Things You Need to Know About Financial Scams Targeted at Seniors In 2000 there were approximately 35 million people over the age of 65 living in the United States. By 2030, that number is projected to double to 71.5 million people, which will be 20 percent of the...
Six Estate Planning Tips to Reduce the Burden on Your Loved Ones
It is fair to say that most of us would rather think about other things than dying, however, it is certainty we will all face one day. Here are six tips to help insure your wishes will be carried out and your affairs will be in order when the time comes. 1. Make sure...
Welcome to our first post on our new blog! In the coming months, this area of our website is going to be a place where we communicate with you and let you know of any information, news stories, or other items that are relevant to you and your family’s financial...